Operators in JS
Operators in Java Script
An expression is a combination of operators operands that can be evaluated. It may also include function calls which return values.
x = 7.5 // a numeric literal
“Hello India!” // a string literal
false // a Boolean literal
{feet:10, inches:5} // an object literal
[2,5,6,3,5,7] // an array literal
v= m + n; // the variable v
tot // the variable tot
These are used to perform arithmetic/mathematical operations like subtraction, division, multiplication etc. Arithmetic operators work on one or more numerical values (either literals or variables) and return a single numerical value. The basic arithmetic operators are:
Operator | Operator |
+ (Addition) | - (Subtraction) |
* (Multiplication) | / (Division) |
% (Modulus) |
var s = 10 + 20; // result: s=30
var h = 50 * 4; // result: h = 200
var d = 100 / 4; // result: d = 25
var r = 72 % 14; // result: r=2
Increment and decrement operators
These operators are used for increasing or decreasing the value of a variable by 1. Calculations performed using these operators are very fast.
++ Increment (By One)
-- Decrement (By One)
var a = 15;
a++; // result: a = 16
var b = 20;
b—; // result: b = 19
It assigns the value of its right operand to its left operand. This operator is represented by equal sign(=).
x = 100; // This statement assigns the value 100 to x.
JavaScript also supports shorthand operator for standard operations.
The shorthand operator with example :
Shorthand operator | Example | is equivalent to |
+= | a + = b | a = a + b |
-= | a - = b | a = a - b |
*= | a * = b | a = a * b |
/= | a / = b | a = a / b |
%= | a % = b | a = a % b |
Relational Operators are some symbols which return a Boolean value true or false after evaluating the condition. For example x > y; returns a value true is value of variable x is greater than variable y.
Basic JavaScript comparison operators are given in the table below :
Operator | Description | Example |
= = | is equal to | 4 = = 8 returns false |
! = | is not equal to | 4 ! = 8 returns true |
> | is greater than | 8 > 4 returns true |
< | is less than | 8 > 4 returns false |
< = | is less than or equal to | 8 < = 4 returns false |
> = | is greater than or equal to | 8 > = 4 returns true |
Relational operators are functional for strings as well. The comparison takes place in alphabetical order. This alphabetical order is based on ASCII number. For example :
Statement | Output |
“zero” < “one” | false |
“Zero” < “one” | true |
10 < 5 | false, numeric comparison. |
“10” < “5” | true, string comparison. |
“10” < 5 | false, numeric comparison; |
“Ten” < 5 | Error occurs, “Ten” can not be converted into a number |
Logical operators are used for combining two or more conditions. JavaScript has following three logical operators :
Operator | Description with Example |
&& (AND) | returns true if both operands are true else it return false. |
| | (OR) | returns false if both operands are false else it returns true. |
! (NOT) | returns true if the operand is false and false if operand is true. |
The + operator concatenates two string operands. The + operator gives priority to string operands over numeric operands It works from left to right. The results depend on the order in which operations are performed.
For example :
Statement | Output |
“Good” + “Morning” | “GoodMorning” |
“5” + “10” | “510” |
“Lucky” + 7 | “Lucky7” |
4 + 7 + “Delhi” | “11Delhi” |
“Mumbai” + 0 +0+ 7 | “Mumbai007” |
Conditional Operator ( ? : )
The conditional operator is a special JavaScript operator that takes three operands. Hence, it is also called ternary operator. A conditional operator assigns a value to a variable based on the condition.
var_name = (condition) ? v_1 : v_2
If (condition) is true, the value v_1 is assigned to the variable, otherwise, it assigns the value v_2 to the variable.
For example
status = (age >= 18) ? “adult” : “minor”
This statement assigns the value “adult” to the variable status if age is eighteen or more. Otherwise, it assigns the value “minor” to status.
New Operator:
new operator is used to create an instance and allocate memory to a user-defined or predefined object types.
ObjectName = new objectType ( param1 [,param2] ...[,paramN])
d = new Date(); // date assigns to object d
r = new rectangle(4, 5, 7, 8);
Delete Operator
The delete operator de-allocates (releases) the memory space that was allocated using the new operator by deleting an object, an object’s property or an element from an array.
The syntax is
delete object_name
delete object_name.property
delete array_name[index]
delete operator can be used to delete variables declared implicitly but not those declared with the var statement. The delete operator returns true if the operation is possible; it returns false if the operation is not possible.
- ==
- ===
- ====
- None of the above
- ^
- %
- **
- None of the above
- written inside doublebr braces: {{expression }}
- written inside a directive: ng-bind="expression "
- return the result exactly where the expression is written
- Angular JS expressions are different from JavaScript expressions
- data
- ng-
- Both (A) and (B)
- None of the above