Keywords in Python
Keywords in Python
They are the words used by Python interpreter to recognize the structure of program. As these words have specific meaning for interpreter, they cannot be used for any other purpose.
A partial list of keywords in Python 2.7 is
and | del | from | not |
while | as | elif | global |
or | with | assert | else |
if | pass | yield | break |
except | import | print | class |
exec | in | raise | continue |
finally | is | return | def |
for | lambda | try |
Qus. 1 : Which of the following is not a keyword ?
- eval
- nonlocal
- assert
- finally
- val
- raise
- try
- with
- ca$h
- marks10
- Python2Shar
- 31 characters
- 63 characters
- No limit but 79 characters for better redability
- All of the above.
- 32
- 33
- 31
- 30
- in
- is
- assert
- All
- raise
- try
- val
- with
- 33
- 45
- 35
- 30
- 32
- 64
- 35
- 29
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