Sequence data types in python Programming Examples
Sequence data types in python Practical Questions
Topic : Sequence data types in python
Question - 1
Python Program to accept three distinct digits and print all possible combinations from the digits
Question - 2
Python program that input a list, replace it twice and then prints the sorted list in ascending and descending order
Question - 3
Python program to check if the maximum element of the list lies in the first half of the list or in the second half
Question - 4
Python program to display the maximum elements from the two list along with its index in its list
Question - 12
Python program to inter list of string and create a new list that consist of those strings with their first characters removed
Question - 14
Python program to create a list using for loop which consist square of the integers 1 through 50
Question - 15
Python program to create a list using for loop which consist a bb ccc dddd that ends with 26 copies of the letter z.
Question - 16
Python program that takes any two list L and M of the same size and adds their elements together in another third list
Question - 17
Python program to rotates the elements of list so that fist elements move to second and second to the third
Question - 19
Python program to display the maximum and minimum values form specified range of indexes of a list
Question - 20
Python program to compare two equal sized list and print the first index where they differ
Question - 21
Python program to find the 2nd largest number from the list of the numbers entered through keyboard.
Question - 23
Python program to define a list of countries that are a member of BRICS Check whether a county is member of BRICS or not
Question - 24
Python program to read marks of six subjects and to print the marks scored in each subject and show the total marks
Question - 28
Python program to generate in the Fibonacci series and store it in a list Then find the sum of all values
Question - 29
Python program to find minimum element from a list of elements along with its index in the list
Question - 36
Python program that receives a Fibonacci series term and returns a number telling which term it is
Question - 41
Python program using a function that returns the area and circumference of a circle whose radius is passed as an argument
Question - 45
Python program to create a nested tuple to store roll number name and marks of students
Question - 46
Python program that interactively creates a nested tuple to store the marks in three subjects for five students
Question - 48
Python program to enter names of employees and their salaries as input and store them in a dictionary
Question - 50
Python program to convert a number entered by the user into its corresponding number in words
Question - 53
Python Program to Create a dictionary whose keys are month name and whose values are number of days in the corresponding month
Question - 56
Python program that lists the over lapping keys of the two dictionaries if a key of d1 is also a key of d2 the list it
Question - 59
Python program to create a new dictionary D2 having same keys as D1 but values as the sum of the list elements
Question - 1
Python Program to accept three distinct digits and print all possible combinations from the digits
Question - 2
Python program that input a list, replace it twice and then prints the sorted list in ascending and descending order
Question - 3
Python program to check if the maximum element of the list lies in the first half of the list or in the second half
Question - 4
Python program to display the maximum elements from the two list along with its index in its list
Question - 12
Python program to inter list of string and create a new list that consist of those strings with their first characters removed
Question - 14
Python program to create a list using for loop which consist square of the integers 1 through 50
Question - 15
Python program to create a list using for loop which consist a bb ccc dddd that ends with 26 copies of the letter z.
Question - 16
Python program that takes any two list L and M of the same size and adds their elements together in another third list
Question - 17
Python program to rotates the elements of list so that fist elements move to second and second to the third
Question - 19
Python program to display the maximum and minimum values form specified range of indexes of a list
Question - 20
Python program to compare two equal sized list and print the first index where they differ
Question - 21
Python program to find the 2nd largest number from the list of the numbers entered through keyboard.
Question - 23
Python program to define a list of countries that are a member of BRICS Check whether a county is member of BRICS or not
Question - 24
Python program to read marks of six subjects and to print the marks scored in each subject and show the total marks
Question - 28
Python program to generate in the Fibonacci series and store it in a list Then find the sum of all values
Question - 29
Python program to find minimum element from a list of elements along with its index in the list
Question - 36
Python program that receives a Fibonacci series term and returns a number telling which term it is
Question - 41
Python program using a function that returns the area and circumference of a circle whose radius is passed as an argument
Question - 45
Python program to create a nested tuple to store roll number name and marks of students
Question - 46
Python program that interactively creates a nested tuple to store the marks in three subjects for five students
Question - 48
Python program to enter names of employees and their salaries as input and store them in a dictionary
Question - 50
Python program to convert a number entered by the user into its corresponding number in words
Question - 53
Python Program to Create a dictionary whose keys are month name and whose values are number of days in the corresponding month
Question - 56
Python program that lists the over lapping keys of the two dictionaries if a key of d1 is also a key of d2 the list it
Question - 59